There are many horror stories and the worst part about it most are true!
You only need to go onto forum sites to see were the problems are and the same names keep popping up.
I talk to many potential clients every day and some of the stories I hear are hard to believe.
A client came to me about building her new home in Wollert where her sister had built with a major Melbourne new home building company.
My client’s sister was charged $32,000 for rock removal and with a little further investigation I found out the same excavation company this major new home building company had used was the same I used.
The contractor had charged the company $5,000 for the removal of rock and cartage.
Our procedures for rock are as follows if we are in an area known for rock we put an inclusion in the contract as a rock allowance.
If we unfortunately do hit rock we show the client the invoices from the excavation contractor as evidence and then we add our builder’s margin as per contract agreed figure.